Health and Fitness

Some Facts About Laser Mole Removal Treatment

Laser removal of moles is one of the most popular methods employed to eliminate unwanted moles. This method is only suitable for treating moles which are brown or black in color. Laser mole removal isn't an effective solution for moles that are raised or deep moles due to the fact that the beam of laser light isn't sufficient to penetrate enough in order to heal the cell within the mole.

If you're also looking to do mole removal treatment, then it is a good option to book your appointment at for laser mole removal treatment. Laser treatment makes use of the technology of light, where laser beams are used to destroy the cells within the mole. Thus, there is no stitching or cutting needed. 

laser mole removal on face, laser mole removal

This is the reason scarring is not common with the laser-based mole removal method because the laser beam blocks blood vessels. The skin may feel mild tingling during the time the laser is pulsing. Based upon the amount of mole it might take longer to treat the larger mole. 

The area treated will turn dark and red following the treatment. The mole will then grow into the appearance of a scab. Do not remove the scab before it is too late as this could result in the formation of scars. It generally takes around two weeks to allow the scab to fall off in its natural state.