Business And Management

Running Out of Drugs?

The contribution of medicines to the public is clear; they have improved the quality of life, treatment satisfaction, and have extended our lifespan. Until now, our perception of the never ending supply of lifesaving medicine remains unchallenged.

However, in the last five years, shortage of medicine has emerged as a serious threat – especially for children, the elderly, and individuals with rare diseases. You can browse the web to know about the FDA drug shortage list.

In the scheme of things, increased drug shortages. Currently, about 11% of all FDA approved and marketed drugs, vaccines and other biological have documented deficiency. Injection products; such as vaccines, most probably in short supply followed by certain oral medications.

Defining a drug shortage is not easy. Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) considers the drug shortage as a situation where the total supply of all clinical versions of FDA-regulated drug exchanged inadequate to meet current or projected demand at the user level.

While drug shortages occur for several reasons, the impact on providers and certain patients. Some patients may switch to more expensive drugs or less effective, while access to the drug for another person may be seriously threatened.

During the shortage, additional labor costs incurred as health care providers to use their resources to track inventory, send notifications, and reconnect with the patient once the supply is replenished; providing charging an option.