Business And Management

Tips to Buy Slurry Pumps

There are several types of pumps that are suitable for pumping slurries. However, we must address a couple of critical considerations before considering which technology to use.

The size and nature of the solids in the liquid

The size and nature will affect the amount of physical wear on the pump and its components and if the solids will pass through the pump without being damaged.

A concern for slurry pumps is the speed and shear inside the pump may damage the slurry/solids. In general, twin screw pumps allow for the least damage to solids in a slurry.

The corrosiveness of the liquid or slurry mixture

More corrosive slurries will wear pump components more quickly and may dictate the selection of the material from which the pump is constructed.

Pumps designed for pumping slurries will be heavier duty than those designed for less viscous liquids since slurries are heavy and difficult to pump.

Slurry pumps are typically larger in size than standard pumps, with more horsepower, and built with more rugged bearings and shafts. The most common type of slurry pump is the centrifugal pump. These pumps use a rotating impeller to move the slurry, similar to how a water-like liquid would move through a standard centrifugal pump.