Business And Management

How Global Entry Card Renewal Works?

The Global Entry Card is a trusted traveler program that offers expedited clearance to pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. The program is administered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and is available to certain citizens or nationals of countries that have been approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  If you want to go with the renewal process for global entry, you may contact global entry application service.

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Renewal Process

The Global Entry Card is valid for five years from the date of issuance and must be renewed prior to expiration. The renewal process is relatively straightforward. Applicants must first log into the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES) and create an account if they do not already have one. Once the account is created, the applicant can select the “Renewal” option and follow the instructions.

The renewal application requires the traveler to provide information about their travels and activities during the past five years. The applicant will also be asked to update any personal information that may have changed since their original application.

Required Documents

In order to complete the renewal process, applicants must have the following documents:

• A valid passport and/or driver’s license

• The Global Entry Card

• Payment information for the non-refundable $100 renewal fee

Renewal Tips

The renewal process can take up to several weeks, so travelers should plan ahead and submit their application as soon as possible. Additionally, travelers should make sure they have all the necessary documents and information ready before starting the application. Finally, travelers should verify that their passport and driver’s license have not expired or been revoked.